The Land of Four Seasons

Introduction Page:

Turkey a country that has turned into a huge touristic destination for people all over the world.
From the pristine coastline that stretches all the way from Greece to the Lebanese border to the bustling and ancient city of Istanbul, where you can go on the hunt for the best Turkish cuisines or visit the Grand Mosques!

For us Europeans it is the perfect place to engulf ourselfs in the Middle Eastern vibes while still having the comfort of being close to home.
A perfect mix between West and East!

  • Capital: Ankara
  • Population: 84.3 Million
  • Currency: Turkish Lira
  • Independence Day: 29 October
  • Country size rank: 37

But Turkey was also once part of the Ottoman Empire, an Empire that was widely feared throughout the Western civilization.
Take for example the rise and fall of Constantinople, nowadays the city of Istanbul.

A huge city with western standards and the capital of the Byzantine Empire that fell into the hands of the Ottomans, can you imagine the shock that must have sent to the civilization of Europe back then?

Nowadays that fear is long gone and people come to Turkey to taste the delicious cuisine that’s to die for and to meet the friendly population that will gladly invite you for a cup of tea(tea is their national obsession haha).

I’m gonna find it out all for myself, because I have just booked my ticket and can’t wait to go back to this amazing country that’s called: Turkey!