Hey there! Dave here

Welcome to my full biography, in this article I will give you a quick introduction on who I am, what drives me and why I created this website.

I would say I’m highly passionate about exploring new places, hiking, writing and photography.
Nothing fills me with more joy than climbing the highest mountains, trying out new and delicious cuisines and traveling a country in a slow pace.

Countries I have visited so far and those that I want to

So as you might have read before, I’m from the Netherlands, born and raised.
The country with some of the most historic cities, beatiful flowers and with a capital that’s famous for sex and weed😅
Now while that sounds nice and all it never really bothered me..

I’m the adventurous type and truly hate staying in one place.
From an early age I already joined my dad on his journeys to other European countries, he was an international truck driver so I was oh so happy to join him.
(And crying my eyes out when school prevented me from going with him haha)
The older I got the more traveling grew onto me especially after I went on a 4 month trip to Asia.

First trip to Asia

Asia, a life changer!!
For all this time I traveled to places in Europe that were kind of the same in terms of culture, food and landscapes etc.
And then I set foot into the Land of Smiles: Thailand.
And WOW! My whole world changed.. the food, the gorgeous looking temples, huge shopping malls and the insanely beautiful nature!!
I truly lost my heart and soul to this country and my dream is to go back one day soon!

Thailand temple

I stayed a total of 7 months in Asia and combined Thailand with: Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar.
That has been 6 years ago by now, it almost feels like a whole different person did that trip for me and shot those memories right into my brain??
Time flies! And it’s about time I go back!

And I’ve only reached the tip of the Asian iceberg!
Each and every country has something special to offer, a unique feel so to say. Their own cuisine, language, culture, religion, landscapes and so on…
There are so many countries in Asia alone that I still want to visit, just to name a few:

  • Japan (Update: Visited Japan February 2024, I can rest easy now😅)
  • Vietnam
  • Indonesia
  • South Korea
  • Philippines
  • India
About me
Me in Thailand 2015
Me in Thailand🇹🇭 2015

My Dreams

So here I am with this website.
I’m trying to fulfill my dream, make traveling a bit more than just my passion and take you all of you along the ride!
Another reason I’m doing this is to fullfill my parents wishes, my mom would love to see the Northern Lights someday and my dad would love to see an active volcano🌋
How nice would it be if I can make their dreams come true!

Do you want to stay up to date with my new articles, pictures or find out where I’m off to next? Then feel free to follow me on my Instagram or Facebook:

(And if you are interested in knowing even more about me, then click the link below to read Part 2 of my biography)


What you’ve just read, i’d describe it as the: ‘Light version’ of my mind.
What you are gonna read now is gonna be a bit darker, a bit more philosophical and mind fucking maybe?

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